About IAmLearn

IAmLearn is an incorporated not-for-profit professional association for those engaged in the educational sector. IAmLearn is a globally recognized and professionally connected community of professionals and academics working in the field of mobile and contextual learning. Our focus is on the promotion and excellence in research, development and application of mobile and contextual learning. Learn More…
mLearn Conference Series

mLearn Conference Series

mLearn is the leading international conference on mobile and contextual learning, organised by IAmlearn, which attracts participants from more than 60 countries annually to the conference. It is a forum for practitioners and researchers to share knowledge, research and practices and debate critical issues pertaining to sustainable futures for mobile learning.

Future of Learning

The Association is focused on building a future of learning through their research and application of technology in education and training. Our focus reaches all area of mobile learning including the emerging technologies of IOT, AR and VR. We have curated a range of resources (including our very own ebook) focused on the promotion of effective mobile and contextualised learning

Collaboration and Cooperation

The Association is focused on stimulating communication, interaction and cooperation with national associations and communities. IAmLearn is focused on supporting the sharing and collaboration of our members, by facilitate a range of communication channels focused on connecting researchers, educators and practitioners.

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Our News


mLearn 2023 - THE 22ND WORLD CONFERENCE ON MOBILE, BLENDED AND SEAMLESS LEARNING, to be held in 2023. The International Association for Mobile Learning (IAmLearn) is seeking Expressions of Interest to host the mLearn conference in 2023. mLearn is the leading annual...

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IAmLearn AGM 2021

IAmLearn 2019 Annual General Meeting The International Association for Mobile Learning will hold its 2021 Annual General Meeting at mLearn 2021 on Wednesday, October 6, 2021. Times to be announced. Call for Agenda Items Matters for consideration (including motions) at...

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