Educational Provider and Corporate Membership

In addition to individual memberships, we also have corporate/educational membership.

Educational Provider Members

An educational provider member enjoys the same benefits as an individual but also entitled to reduced registrations (discounts) to the mLearn conference and opportunities to advertise vacancies related to mobile learning on the IAmLearn website.

An Educational Provider membership will allow the institution to register five (5) individuals of the institution as associate members.  The institution will be entitled to two (2) votes at an AGM meeting.  Once the primary member of the institution has been registered, he/she will receive a code that will enable an additional four (4) more associate members to be registered which are from the same institution.  All these associate members will receive the same member benefits enjoyed by individual members.

The cost of this membership:

  Educational provider (annual) £     300

Corporate Members

A corporate member enjoys the same benefits as an individual but also entitled to reduced registrations (discounts) to the mLearn conference and opportunities to advertise products, services and vacancies related to mobile learning.

Corporate membership will allow the institution to register ten (10) individuals of the institution as associate members.  The institution will be entitled to two (2) votes at an AGM meeting.  Once the primary member of the institution has been registered, he/she will receive a code that will enable an additional nine (9) more associate members to be registered from the same company. All these associate members will receive the same member benefits enjoyed by individual members.

The cost of this membership:

  Corporate (annual) £  1,000