IAmLearning Ebook

IAmLearn’s first Open Access eBook, officially launched at mLearn 2017 in Larnaca, Cyprus.

IAmLearning: Mobilizing and Supporting Educator Practice

Edited by Robert Power, Mohamed Ally, Dean Cristol, and Agnieszka Palalas

  • Published by the International Association for Mobile Learning
  • Publication Date: October 30, 2017
  • ISBN 978-1-7751408-0-1

Teachers are more likely to experiment with and integrate mobile learning strategies if they feel confident in their ability to do so. Professional development resources and activities that focus on making instructional design decisions can help to increase teachers’ confidence with mobile learning. Teachers have indicated that a community of practice would also help them to increase their confidence with mLearning. To that end, mobile learning experts and practitioners from the International Association for Mobile Learning (IAmLearn) have prepared this open access eBook to help create such a community of practice.