mLearn 2020 CFP
We are pleased to announce the final call for papers/proposals for the 19th World Conference on Mobile, Blended and Seamless Learning (mLearn 2020).
The conference theme for 2020 is “Sustaining equal access to learning in a mobile world.” and is hosted by IAmLearn (the International Association for Mobile learning) and Mansoura University, Egypt.
The mLearn 2020 conference will be delivered fully online, with the technical platform supported by our sponsors at Ohio State University. The programme schedule will “follow the sun” to cater for global time zones. Open access proceedings will be published through our partners at LearnTechLib.
A global group of keynote speakers will be presenting throughout the conference, including:
– Huda Alwehaibi (Nourah University, Saudi Arabia)
– Helen Crompton (Old Dominion University, USA
– Mostaheed Jami (ActionAid Bangladesh)
– Yanguo Jing (Coventry University, UK)
– Ken Kencevski (Devika, Australia)
– Ebba Ossiannilsson (European Distance and E-Learning Network)
– Vasili Sofiadellis (Changemakers Lab)
(others to be confirmed)
Proposal submission options (which may be submitted in English, Arabic or French) include:
Long Papers (8 pages)
Short Papers (4 pages)
Practice Papers (Extended Abstracts)
There will be four special tracks facilitated by leading international experts:
– Multi-modal Contextual learning – Daniel Spikol (Malmö University, SE)
– Seamless and ubiquitous learning – Lung-Hsiang Wong (NTU, Singapore)
– Mobile Learning for Disadvantaged and Development Contexts – Cases and Concepts from Africa and the Middle East – John Traxler (Wolverhampton, UK) and Abdulrahman Muhammed AlShabeb (Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University)
– PhD symposium – Inmaculada (Macu) Arnedillo-Sanchez (TrinityCollege Dublin, IE)
We also welcome relevant submissions related to the impact of, and response to, COVID-19.
There will also be a national policymakers panel.
Important Dates: Deadline for all submissions: 1 August 2020
Accept / Reject Notification: 15 September 2020
Camera-Ready Submission of all papers: 1 October 2020
Conference: 2 – 4 November 2020
Get the full mLearn 2020 CfP from the Call for Proposals page on the conference website: http://iamlearn.org/mlearn/
Specific details on paper submissions for mLearn 2020, including access to the paper submission portal, are available on the Paper Submissions page of the conference website.
Registration costs are as follows:
Standard registration (including 1 year’s membership of IAmLearn): $125 USD
PhD Student Registration (including 1 year’s membership of IAmLearn): $75 USD
The mLearn and IAmLearn Committees