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IAmLearn 2019 Annual General Meeting

The International Association for Mobile Learning will hold its 2019 Annual General Meeting at 12:00 CET  (GMT +2) on Tuesday, September 17, 2019. The AGM will be held at the mLearn 2019 conference venue at TU-Delft in Delft, Netherlands.

Call for Agenda Items

Matters for consideration (including motions) at the AGM can now be submitted to the IAmLearn Executive Committee at iamlearn.org@gmail.com for inclusion in the agenda. Any new items not received by Friday, September 6, 2019, will only be introduced at the AGM and will have to be placed on the agenda prior to the motion to approve the agenda.

Call for Nominations: IAmLearn Executive Committee

The IAmLearn Executive Committee is seeking nominations for the positions of:

  • President (2-year term, x 1)
  • Membership Secretary (2-year term, x 1)
  • Treasurer (2-year term, x1)
  • Member-at-Large (1-year term, x1)

Elections for Executive Committee members will take place at the IAmLearn Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, at mLearn 2019 at TU-Delft in Delft, Netherlands. Nominees for each position must be members in good standing with the International Association for Mobile Learning. Nominations must be forwarded and seconded by members in good standing of IAmLearn, and should be forwarded directly to the IAmLearn Executive Committee at iamlearn.org@gmail.com no later than Friday, September 6, 2019.


Attending mLearn 2019 and the AGM

There’s still time to register to participate in the 18th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2019)! Get all the details, and register now at http://iamlearn.org/mlearn/registration/