We’re pleased to announce the official re-launch of the mLearn Conference website, now updated with details for the 18th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2019)! The conference theme for 2019 is “Future Learning Through Experiences and Spaces.”
mLearn 2019 will take place at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the Netherlands. The event will be hosted by IAmLearn (International Association for Mobile learning) and CEL (Center for Education and Learning), TU Delft. mLearn 2019 will be held in conjunction with EC-TEL 2019. This will be a unique platform to bring together the two conferences and the work of the IAmLearn and EA-TEL (European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning) communities which we hope will mark a new milestone in digital education and learning.
First Call for Proposals: mLearn 2019
Alongside the official re-launch of the mLearn Conference website, we’re excited to announce the first Call for Proposals for mLearn 2019! Full Paper and Abstract-Only submissions for on-site and virtual presentations are now being accepted for:
- Long Papers (8 pages)
- Short Papers (4 pages)
- Demonstrations
- Posters
Get the full mLearn 2019 CfP from the Call for Proposals page on the conference website. Specific details on paper submissions for mLearn 2019, including access to the submission portals, are available on the Paper Submissions page of the conference website.
Deadline for submissions for all categories is 29 April 2019!